Starmie @ Expert Belt
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Scald
- Psyshock
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
Starmie is your typical all-out special attacker. Its high speed, incredible coverage, and special attack further boosted by the Expert Belt enables it to handle a majority of things that come its way. Starmie is able to cover Scizor’s x4 weakness to Fire as well as Garchomp’s weaknesses to Dragon as well as Ice (but only if there’s a Water-type running Ice Beam, otherwise Scizor can better handle actual Ice-types). Scald is great for burning foes, though you can opt for Surf or Hydro Pump if you wish to have a more powerful STAB move. Psyshock enables Starmie to hit foes for their physical defense, further expanding the kind of foes it can handle. And lastly, it has your standard Boltbeam coverage and that alone gives Starmie some excellent coverage. To top things off, Starmie has Natural Cure for its ability, so if it ever gets inflicted with a status condition all you gotta do is switch it out of battle to instantly cure it.

Scizor @ Scizorite
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Bullet Punch
- Bug Bite
- Knock Off
Mega Scizor is the setup sweeper of this team. By maxing out its HP and coupled with its amazing typing, Mega Scizor becomes a tanky sweeper. It’s able to cover Garchomp’s x4 weakness to Ice as well as Starmie’s weaknesses to Grass and to an extent Dark and Ghost despite no longer resisting those last two types. When it enters battle, immediately Mega Evolve and setup with Swords Dance. Depending on what Pokémon your opponent has out and what move they used the previous turn, you can setup again if you want. But even at +2 attack, Mega Scizor can still OHKO most opponents. Bullet Punch is what you’ll be mainly using as it gives Scizor STAB as well as priority to compensate for its lack of speed and is further boosted by Technician. Bug Bite also gets STAB and Technician Boost, and can also be utilized on foes who are holding a Berry. Lastly, Knock Off is for utility and to remove any other annoying items your opponent’s Pokemon are holding. You could alternatively run Superpower to hit opposing Steel-types, Roost is also an option to give your Mega Scizor a form of recovery.

Garchomp @ Life Orb
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Outrage
- Iron Head
- Earthquake
- Protect
Garchomp is your standard all-out physical attacker. Its got high physical attack and speed, powerful STAB moves, and a typing that gives it some handy resistances as well as an immunity to Thunder Wave. In terms of synergy, Garchomp covers Starmie’s weakness to Electric-types and can additionally cover Scizor’s x4 weakness to Fire-types. Outrage is a powerful STAB move that has solid neutral coverage. You could opt for Dragon Claw if you do not like being locked into a move or don’t want to get confused after a few turns, but the difference in overall power is quite noticeable. Earthquake is Garchomp’s other powerful STAB option and has incredible neutral coverage. Iron Head is utilized to cover Garchomp’s weaknesses to Ice-types and additionally covers Garchomp’s weakness to Fairy-types as a majority of them have low physical defense. The last moveslot can be interchangeable; Protect can be used to scout out the movesets of your opponent’s Pokémon, Swords Dance can be utilized to further boost your Garchomp’s offensive power, or you can run another attack like Poison Jab or Rock Slide to give you further coverage. Psychic J note, I used Fire Fang the as 4th move for my run with the team, Ferrothorn was not impressed.