Moderated chat was set to @! Only users of rank @ and higher can talk. [12:07] (Coolcodename set modchat to @) [12:07] #Coolcodename: Hello everyone and welcome to the final SS OU workshop of gen8 [12:08] #Coolcodename: if you want to know what a workshop is check out this thread [12:08] #Coolcodename: https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/trainer-academy-workshops.3675841/ [12:08] #Coolcodename: and please do not spam this question in dms or chat any further [12:09] #Coolcodename: /announce you will now be able to dm me cores to build around for this workshop and i will start a poll shortly [12:13] #Coolcodename: i didn't do it properly was meant to announce mb [12:14] #Coolcodename: /announce you will now be able to dm me cores to build around for this workshop and i will start a poll shortly [12:21] (The announcement was ended by Coolcodename.) [12:22] Coolcodename used /poll create SS OU Workshop Cores, Tyranitar+Blissey, Heracross+Slowbro, Tapu Bulu+Melmetal, Tyranitar+Excadril [12:22] A poll was started by Coolcodename. [12:22] #Coolcodename: missed one [12:22] (The poll was ended by Coolcodename.) Poll ended 1 votes SS OU Workshop Cores 1. Tyranitar+Blissey (0 votes) 0% 2. Heracross+Slowbro (0 votes) 0% 3. Tapu Bulu+Melmetal (0 votes) 0% 4. Tyranitar+Excadril (1 vote) 100% [12:23] Coolcodename used /poll create Tyranitar+Blissey, Heracross+Slowbro, Tapu Bulu+Melmetal, Blaziken+Weavile, Tyranitar+Excadrill [12:23] A poll was started by Coolcodename. [12:23] #Coolcodename: what how am i this bad [12:23] (The poll was ended by Coolcodename.) Poll ended 2 votes Tyranitar+Blissey 1. Heracross+Slowbro (0 votes) 0% 2. Tapu Bulu+Melmetal (0 votes) 0% 3. Blaziken+Weavile (1 vote) 50% 4. Tyranitar+Excadrill (1 vote) 50% [12:24] Coolcodename used /poll create Tyranitar+Blissey, Tapu Bulu+Melmetal, Blaziken+Weavile, Tyranitar+Excadrill, Heracross+Slowbro [12:24] A poll was started by Coolcodename. [12:24] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: I can do it for you [12:25] (The poll was ended by yOuRwElCoMeThAnk.) Poll ended 5 votes Tyranitar+Blissey 1. Tapu Bulu+Melmetal (2 votes) 40% 2. Blaziken+Weavile (0 votes) 0% 3. Tyranitar+Excadrill (2 votes) 40% 4. Heracross+Slowbro (1 vote) 20% [12:26] yOuRwElCoMeThAnk used /poll create Pick the core of today's Workshop,Tapu Bulu+Melmetal,Blaziken+Weavile,Tyranitar+Excadrill,Heracross+Slowbro,Tyranitar+Blissey [12:26] A poll was started by yOuRwElCoMeThAnk. [12:26] #Coolcodename: ty ywt [12:26] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: np [12:26] #Coolcodename: this is why i should be demoted from ro fr [12:26] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: lol [12:26] #Coolcodename: will give u guys 4 mins to vote [12:26] #Coolcodename: /announce vote starts now [12:30] (The poll was ended by Coolcodename.) Poll ended 15 votes Pick the core of today's Workshop 1. Tapu Bulu+Melmetal (6 votes) 40% 2. Blaziken+Weavile (2 votes) 13% 3. Tyranitar+Excadrill (2 votes) 13% 4. Heracross+Slowbro (5 votes) 33% 5. Tyranitar+Blissey (0 votes) 0% [12:30] #Coolcodename: u guys can ask any questions u want and or make suggestions in chat but pls do not flood with the same questions or shitpost [12:30] #Coolcodename: and with that we will beging [12:30] #Coolcodename: *begin Moderated chat was disabled! Anyone may talk now. [12:30] (Coolcodename set modchat to off) [12:31] +suloxiv: freed [12:31] #Coolcodename: 3d barracades [12:31] memegodv2: why did you gys disable chat? [12:31] georgebowserjr1: bulu and melm [12:31] Ducky: Tsyon how good was my core [12:31] #Coolcodename: we building around bulu+melm [12:31] georgebowserjr1: interesting [12:31] @tsyon✿: idk which one is yours ducky [12:31] sufys12: that's sad hera+slowbro didn't win lol. [12:31] Ducky: The ne that won [12:31] georgebowserjr1: Mine was ttar and drill [12:31] @tsyon✿: O [12:31] sufys12: so close yet so far [12:31] 3d: yo [12:31] drop a burn: Sad the sand core didnt win [12:31] 3d: kk [12:32] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: Heracross didn't win [12:32] #Coolcodename: i will maintain paste [12:32] memegodv2: why was the chat disabled? [12:32] georgebowserjr1: drop a burn you voted for my suggestion [12:32] #Coolcodename: u guys can start building [12:32] georgebowserjr1: thank you! [12:32] +Milo: It's a workshop memegodv2 [12:32] #Coolcodename: also we disabled mod chat so u guys can ask questions [12:32] #Coolcodename: like i said above [12:32] memegodv2: oh [12:32] sufys12: what kinds of questions in relation to the core [12:32] memegodv2: i didnt know what worshops were but read the forums and now i know [12:32] @tsyon✿: set wise and going from there to completing the team [12:33] drop a burn: Any specific melm set we rocking? [12:33] #Coolcodename: the building in general [12:33] #Coolcodename: can also make suggestions ofc [12:33] #Coolcodename: https://pokepast.es/164122f5e714bae0 sets not decided yet [12:33] sufys12: well naturally with bulu you'd prolly be using toxtect melm so yea [12:34] +Dorron ☆: what about telepathy in tapu bulu? B) [12:34] #Coolcodename: toxtect is prob what we are using yea [12:34] #Coolcodename: dorron no shitposting. [12:34] 3d: are we talking here [12:34] 3d: building [12:34] georgebowserjr1: hmm well i can mention a mon [12:34] #Coolcodename: yes 3d [12:34] georgebowserjr1: not a set as much [12:34] 3d: Barracades u here [12:34] +Dorron ☆: we'd need a hard fire resist [12:34] 3d: ye [12:34] sufys12: you'd use hhp/superpower as 4th move presumably because it'd be anti-synergistic to run eq on melmetal [12:34] 3d: for sure [12:34] Barracades: yo hmm i was thinking a hybrid Bo + HO core, like scarf future sight latios over future sight lele cuz it outspeeds scarf kart [12:34] BuckfromGothamCity: toxapex? [12:34] +Dorron ☆: tran still does a lot [12:35] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: Zapdos check too [12:35] memegodv2: maybe a ho melm and bulu core [12:35] BuckfromGothamCity: wut's tran? [12:35] georgebowserjr1: i was gonna say zapdos because kart is a problem [12:35] Barracades: so if we go latios, we can potentially go band beat up bisharp with the fs, [12:35] +Dorron ☆: heatran [12:35] 3d: hmm [12:35] #Coolcodename: seems interesting [12:35] Barracades: since bish benefits from grassy [12:35] #Coolcodename: scarf fs latios [12:35] 3d: i do like latios [12:35] #Coolcodename: bish terrain seems real nice [12:35] Barracades: scarf fs ice beam psychic trick [12:35] @MurderousMantyke: so these are the peak ta hours [12:35] memegodv2: yea [12:35] BuckfromGothamCity: wuts fs? [12:35] #Coolcodename: yes mm [12:35] @MurderousMantyke: future sight [12:35] 3d: future sight [12:35] sufys12: idk about heatran lol, isn't it kinda redundant when you have melm performing a similar role [12:36] georgebowserjr1: im leaning towards zap here ngl [12:36] 3d: yea i think [12:36] 3d: volcanion [12:36] 3d: works better here [12:36] Barracades: so rocks offensive boom normal gem + u turn lando + boots fog canion [12:36] 3d: than heatran [12:36] 3d: it works nice w terrain too [12:36] #Coolcodename: yr [12:36] sufys12: volcanion is better for sure, i've tried that with bulu melm before [12:36] #Coolcodename: we have mel as steel [12:36] 3d: and helps vs rain [12:36] Barracades: boots fog canion is godlike at removing hazards too [12:36] #Coolcodename: rain mu much better yh [12:36] 3d: latios + volc + bulu [12:36] 3d: we're never losing to rain [12:36] 3d: w this team [12:36] #Coolcodename: and into shifu [12:36] 3d: ye [12:36] Barracades: Threatens every rocker [12:36] memegodv2: yea volc would be good [12:36] Barracades: reason i chose latios too [12:36] Barracades: it helps vs the rare sun [12:36] sufys12: latios volc bulu melm works fine sure [12:36] Barracades: and helps outspeed scarf kart [12:37] +Dorron ☆: what about a chomp [12:37] sufys12: you need a ground and stealth rock [12:37] Barracades: chomp would drain momentum on a core like this [12:37] +Dorron ☆: we still need a rocker [12:37] sufys12: so it would make sense [12:37] #Coolcodename: chomp+gterrain not the best combo [12:37] Barracades: lando works w rocks u turn eq explosion [12:37] 3d: chomp + grassy works but [12:37] Barracades: normal gem [12:37] #Coolcodename: i think lando is better [12:37] Barracades: u can pivot out [12:37] #Yellow Paint: horsepower time? [12:37] Barracades: and boom lategame [12:37] sufys12: eh chomp + gterrain works fine imo [12:37] 3d: u rely on [12:37] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: Chomp doesn't have horsepower [12:37] sufys12: you just gotta run tantrum over [12:37] memegodv2: chomp and gterrain is bad imo cuz half power eq [12:37] +Dorron ☆: doesnt have horsepower i think [12:37] 3d: ur fat switchins [12:37] 3d: too much [12:37] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: It has Stomping Tantrum [12:37] #Yellow Paint: oh ew [12:37] #Coolcodename: i meant offensive [12:37] 3d: like if u go chomp + terrain [12:37] 3d: u need stuff lie [12:37] 3d: slowbro [12:37] georgebowserjr1: Stomping tantrum is funny [12:38] #Yellow Paint: yeah nvm then [12:38] 3d: to pivot into and teleport out [12:38] 3d: like if we go [12:38] memegodv2: if theres gterrain then chomp will do half with eq [12:38] 3d: bulu mel slowbro chomp [12:38] 3d: we're basically just making the xray team [12:38] georgebowserjr1: however, im thinking zapdos because We need something for kartana [12:38] +Dorron ☆: we need a ground for sure but there's the terrain problem [12:38] sufys12: xray team with bulu over rilla lol [12:38] 3d: yea [12:38] MNMSO Robin: js 2 know are WShops js for ou? [12:38] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: This is for OU [12:39] 3d: hm, instead of zapdos [12:39] #Coolcodename: https://pokepast.es/dcd496850483b078 [12:39] 3d: i think we deal w kart well enough [12:39] 3d: w latios mel and volcanion [12:39] 3d: i think bulky volcanion [12:39] 3d: is the best set anyway [12:39] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: with that Melm set? [12:39] +Dorron ☆: eq with terrain [12:39] @tsyon✿: eq when hh exist [12:39] #Coolcodename: didn't make evs [12:39] #Coolcodename: oh right eq mb [12:39] sufys12: nah melm just runs high horsepower [12:39] #Coolcodename: should be high horse power [12:40] #Coolcodename: or superpower [12:40] 3d: k so [12:40] georgebowserjr1: yeah idk about scarf latios and toxtect melm dealing with scarf kart [12:40] 3d: we need a ground type + a fs abuser [12:40] sufys12: superpower is also possible yes, especially since u got fs support [12:40] +Dorron ☆: shifu could abuse fs [12:40] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: could nidoking do both [12:40] #Coolcodename: what bulu do we run on this? [12:40] Barracades: maybe max hp canion [12:40] 3d: ye max hp [12:40] 3d: volc [12:40] 3d: for sure [12:40] memegodv2: maybe sd bulu? [12:40] drop a burn: Is lefties bulu a thibg that could work here? [12:40] memegodv2: idk [12:40] drop a burn: Thing* [12:40] Barracades: im thinkin we run lefties sd bulu [12:40] sufys12: volcanion would be max hp [12:40] Ricardogorepro2: Lmao i went and looked at my workshop [12:40] sufys12: would it be defog canion [12:40] Barracades: Toxic cc leech sd [12:40] 3d: yea sufys12 [12:40] Ricardogorepro2: Tyranitar + blissey [12:40] Ricardogorepro2: Lol 2 votes only [12:40] 3d: with boots [12:40] Barracades: defog canion ye [12:40] @tsyon✿: lefties bulu is a thing [12:41] Ricardogorepro2: I am surprised i had 2 votes actually [12:41] #Coolcodename: mono cc bulu [12:41] #Coolcodename: tf sz [12:41] +Dorron ☆: is specs zapdos a thing here in ou? [12:41] #Coolcodename: yes [12:41] memegodv2: yea [12:41] sufys12: leech cc is fine [12:41] sufys12: leech being horn leech ofc [12:41] 3d: yea [12:41] #Coolcodename: oh thought he meant leech seed [12:42] 3d: .. [12:42] 3d: LOL [12:42] memegodv2: imagine it being leech seed lol [12:42] +Dorron ☆: lmao [12:42] sufys12: lmao [12:42] #Coolcodename: i was so confused [12:42] memegodv2: leech seed would suck [12:42] 3d: leech seed was cool in SM [12:42] 3d: so u never folded to ash gren [12:42] 3d: but it was still pretty bad [12:42] 3d: anyway [12:42] 3d: someone suggested nidoking [12:42] #Coolcodename: https://pokepast.es/ac43f250aa780816 [12:42] 3d: as the 5th slot [12:43] 3d: to abuse fsight + be a ground [12:43] memegodv2: yea [12:43] 3d: but idk how good [12:43] 3d: nidoking as a rocker is [12:43] #Coolcodename: assuming we'll like change volca spread [12:43] sufys12: you also need a rocker [12:43] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: It's ok as a rocker but not great [12:43] memegodv2: and what is the f sight setter? [12:43] sufys12: and idt nidoking is good there [12:43] Ricardogorepro2: Guys can i get tips on something? [12:43] 3d: latios [12:43] #Coolcodename: i think sz said [12:43] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: Moreso what I don't like with Nido is that it's a bad Heatran and Zapdos switch [12:43] memegodv2: oh latias [12:43] #Coolcodename: normal gem boom lando [12:43] sufys12: cos you want aoa on nido generally [12:43] 3d: yea [12:43] @tsyon✿: rocker on nido means you give up a coverage [12:43] #Coolcodename: i think normal gem boom works here [12:43] Ricardogorepro2: So this literally happend to me, did i do something wrong? https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen8nationaldex-1704230945 [12:43] 3d: normal gem boom works here for sure [12:43] 3d: cuz [12:44] 3d: we're not gonna try to play [12:44] 3d: the long game with landot in terrain [12:44] 3d: we just want it to get up rocks and force progress [12:44] 3d: for latios + our fsight breaker [12:44] 3d: gonna be a dark type most likely [12:44] 3d: spdef uturn could work too but [12:44] 3d: its a lot easier to pressure that and get rocks off [12:45] Barracades: why not bisht [12:45] Barracades: we have a strong beat up [12:45] 3d: bisharp or weavile last slot is what i was thinking [12:45] Barracades: and bish benefits from grassy [12:45] #Coolcodename: hmm true bisharp doesn't seem bad [12:45] Barracades: so that gives it precedence over weav [12:45] Ricardogorepro2: So no tips- [12:45] sufys12: yea you suggested bisharp earlier [12:45] #Coolcodename: sry we in the middle of a workshop [12:45] @tsyon✿: there is a workshop going on rn ricardo ask after [12:45] @MurderousMantyke: o shoot this is the workshop [12:45] @MurderousMantyke: i thought this was just a really invested rmt [12:45] #Coolcodename: yes lol [12:45] +Dorron ☆: lol [12:45] #Coolcodename: i mean [12:46] #Coolcodename: that kinda is what a workshop is anyways [12:46] #Coolcodename: LOL [12:46] @MurderousMantyke: ye fair lmao [12:46] memegodv2: what is rmt [12:46] 3d: hmm [12:46] +Dorron ☆: rate my team [12:46] @MurderousMantyke: no thanks [12:46] memegodv2: oh [12:46] 3d: bisharp in terrain is nice [12:46] 3d: and bisharp + fsight [12:46] 3d: runs through stall [12:46] 3d: easily [12:46] memegodv2: yea [12:46] #Coolcodename: mhm [12:46] +Dorron ☆: eq boom turn rocks gem lando? [12:46] #Coolcodename: nah knock>turn [12:46] +Dorron ☆: fine [12:46] 3d: really [12:46] Ricardogorepro2: Nah i am sorry workshop for me is too confusing [12:46] memegodv2: boom? [12:46] 3d: i think uturn is fine [12:47] Ricardogorepro2: Idk what am i even doing here- [12:47] #Coolcodename: i like knock more personally [12:47] @tsyon✿: yeah u turn seems like it works better here [12:47] sufys12: you're boom so u don't need u turn really [12:47] #Coolcodename: mainly my point [12:47] memegodv2: theres so many messaes i dont even understand lol [12:47] #Coolcodename: but ig u don't always boom [12:47] 3d: idk uturn is nice on boom sets in my expeirence [12:47] #Coolcodename: so it make sense [12:47] 3d: since ur not always gonna boom yea [12:47] +Dorron ☆: im not using explosion if a corv is switching in [12:47] #Coolcodename: https://pokepast.es/f7d523d99c0ac96f [12:47] #Coolcodename: we can decide on that later [12:47] 3d: yea exactly [12:48] #Coolcodename: so far looking good 3d barracades? did i miss smth [12:48] memegodv2: why boom gem? [12:48] sufys12: what is the latios even for [12:48] +Dorron ☆: what's the speed invest for [12:48] @tsyon✿: immdeiate pressure on a lot of stuff memegod [12:48] memegodv2: latios is for f sight [12:48] 3d: its future sight + faster than scarf kart [12:48] #Coolcodename: speed is for [12:48] #Coolcodename: timid washtom and nido [12:48] memegodv2: oh [12:48] 3d: i mean [12:48] #Coolcodename: timid as in max speed timid [12:48] 3d: wouldn't we wanna outspeed [12:48] sufys12: 3d couldn't you go latias > latios and then you get access to healing wish idk [12:49] 3d: jolly drill too [12:49] +Dorron ☆: why dont we make it 220 so it outspeeds 100 base [12:49] Barracades: oh [12:49] 3d: scarf latias [12:49] Barracades: use my special melm spread [12:49] 3d: future sight hwish [12:49] 3d: hmmm [12:49] #Coolcodename: what is it sz? [12:49] 3d: idk if thats strong enough [12:49] 3d: but hwish sounds cool [12:49] 3d: wdyt Barracades [12:49] Barracades: 248 hp, 96 defense, 124 spdef, 40 speed, impish nature [12:49] #Coolcodename: ok ok ty [12:49] Barracades: naww we goin fs ice beam psychic trick [12:49] Barracades: we dont need hw [12:49] 3d: oh yea true [12:49] sufys12: cool [12:50] 3d: i dont like our landot [12:50] 3d: being slower than jolly drill tho [12:50] +Dorron ☆: 232 Spe instead of 216 Spe then [12:50] #Coolcodename: https://pokepast.es/514ba3386050a368 [12:50] sufys12: cant you just go max max on lando idk what the hp is for [12:50] #Coolcodename: well actually good point [12:50] 3d: yea i was thinking that too [12:51] #Coolcodename: the hp isn't too good anyways [12:51] +Dorron ☆: and what was the 216 atk for [12:51] +Dorron ☆: and we might want to go after other landos for slow uturn? [12:51] #Coolcodename: https://pokepast.es/3404a0ef3ca0a6c1 this is better [12:52] #Coolcodename: 4 evs on lando t mb there i forgot [12:52] sufys12: Barracades do you have a bulu spread [12:52] 3d: nah Dorron i think we just wanna go fast [12:52] 3d: so we just boom on those landos [12:52] 3d: if anything [12:52] +Dorron ☆: sounds legit [12:52] Barracades: we can go 216 attack, 40 defenses, 252 speed jolly [12:52] #Coolcodename: what does it do? [12:53] Barracades: The 40 in defense lets u take 2 banded strikes from shifu iirc [12:53] #Coolcodename: ah ok cool [12:53] #Coolcodename: do you have a good [12:53] #Coolcodename: volcanion spread? [12:53] Barracades: you want jolly for the timid creepers [12:53] +Dorron ☆: i dont get it [12:53] +Dorron ☆: how does two or three strikes make a difference [12:53] Barracades: canion should always go 248 hp 252 spatk modest, 8 defense [12:53] 3d: Dorron [12:53] 3d: he means [12:53] 3d: 2 hits [12:53] Barracades: Thats its best spread [12:53] #Coolcodename: avoids 2hit ko i think [12:53] 3d: so 6 strikes [12:54] Barracades: live lando eq ko back, live +2 lucha [12:54] #Coolcodename: is what he meant [12:54] +Dorron ☆: oh ok [12:54] #Coolcodename: ah aight [12:54] #Coolcodename: u sure we don't run [12:54] #Coolcodename: a bit of speed tho [12:54] +Dorron ☆: how does it live a whole surging strikes [12:54] 3d: living lando eq is pretty imporatnt [12:55] 3d: cuz it lets u play it differently [12:55] 3d: out of terrain [12:55] Barracades: naww we need 0 speed [12:55] Barracades: on canion [12:55] Barracades: legit lives everything [12:55] Barracades: even chomp eq [12:55] #Coolcodename: we can outspeed [12:55] Barracades: and occasionally drill eq [12:55] Barracades: if its jolly [12:55] #Coolcodename: relaxed dnite with 4 speed evs [12:55] Barracades: it lives ddrill eq [12:55] 3d: what is [12:55] #Coolcodename: rn we just tie [12:55] Barracades: relaxed dnite has 0 usage so its fine [12:55] #Coolcodename: ok good point lmao [12:56] 3d: and its not doing anything [12:56] 3d: ever [12:56] #Coolcodename: https://pokepast.es/7b1fd1b71eb21d77 here we are [12:56] 3d: and we cant do anything to it [12:56] sufys12: is that it then [12:56] +Dorron ☆: oh 40 def in bulu [12:56] #Coolcodename: i believe that should be team 1 [12:56] +Dorron ☆: i thought you meant lando [12:56] #Coolcodename: any last changes? [12:57] 3d: u-turn over knock [12:57] 3d: imo [12:57] sufys12: Coolcodename oh you build how many teams in this [12:57] Barracades: u turn>knockoff [12:57] #Coolcodename: usually takes longer than this for one [12:57] Barracades: on lando [12:57] #Coolcodename: we build 2 [12:57] Barracades: The whole purpose of the lando is to act as a defensive pivot, then boom lategame [12:57] #Coolcodename: but from this we can build like 3 or 4 at this point [12:57] Barracades: so u turn>knock on lando [12:57] #Coolcodename: aight then will change uturn [12:58] 3d: ye i got time [12:58] Barracades: we have knock on bisharp and trick on latios so lando knock is counterproductive [12:58] #Coolcodename: i also missed nature on volca [12:58] 3d: for a couplemore teams [12:58] #Coolcodename: mb there [12:58] 3d: we go modest [12:58] 3d: ye [12:58] #Coolcodename: u wanna go knockless bisharp on this barracades? [12:58] #Coolcodename: never seen that shit [12:59] 3d: ? [12:59] sufys12: Barracades how do u pivot with an uninvested lando (bulk-wise) [12:59] 3d: its typing [12:59] 3d: lets it be a pivot [12:59] +Dorron ☆: means that having knock on bisharp means we no longer need it in lando [12:59] 3d: scarf landot is a pivot [12:59] 3d: w uturn [12:59] 3d: even w 0 bulk [12:59] #Coolcodename: wait [12:59] sufys12: oh thats a good point ya [12:59] #Coolcodename: i am blind [12:59] #Coolcodename: didn't see the part at the end [12:59] 3d: elec immune ground immune [12:59] 3d: intimidate [12:59] 3d: and good natural bulk [12:59] 3d: ur living most things if ur relatively healthy [13:00] 3d: koko is scared to attack [13:00] 3d: so is zera [13:00] #Coolcodename: this looks good? shall we test it a bit [13:01] 3d: yea looks cool [13:01] +Dorron ☆: yeah testing sounds good [13:01] 3d: it MUs well vs rain and stall [13:01] 3d: very important when laddering [13:01] @tsyon✿: ye [13:01] #Coolcodename: we can either ask sz to enter a ladder game or two [13:02] #Coolcodename: or we can test it in a private battle [13:02] 3d: me and Barracades can play [13:02] 3d: each other [13:02] #Coolcodename: ur guys choice really [13:02] 3d: to test it out [13:02] #Coolcodename: aight yea cool [13:02] 3d: probably better than a random ladder game [13:02] sufys12: ye for sure [13:02] #Coolcodename: 100% [13:02] #Coolcodename: https://pokepast.es/bb5fd8a43fda4636 which ever one of u wants to use it [13:02] #Coolcodename: https://pokepast.es/bb5fd8a43fda4636 [13:03] #Coolcodename: posted it twice mb [13:03] @MurderousMantyke: looks flames [13:04] @MurderousMantyke: o shoot cg Waves [13:04] #Coolcodename: https://play.pokemonshowdown.com/battle-gen8ou-1704246158-5ig9eb0nj7x2p0h2zwmxm8in5b5funepw [13:04] #Coolcodename: testing match [13:05] +Dorron ☆: what does the team do [13:05] +Dorron ☆: against blacephalon? [13:05] Ducky: gz on g@ waves [13:05] #Coolcodename: i mean we have sucker bish [13:06] Opnoob 598: Congratulations on mod MurderousMantyke [13:06] #Coolcodename: and a max hp volca [13:06] Opnoob 598: Tho I'm late but w/e [13:06] @MurderousMantyke: ty op [13:06] #Coolcodename: so isn't impossible imo [13:06] Opnoob 598: Ah Waves became g mod from driver too [13:06] Ricardogorepro2: Sorry to say something unrelated but which was the move with 90% to paralyze the target? [13:06] Opnoob 598: Gratz gratz [13:06] +Dorron ☆: none to my knowledge [13:06] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: Thunder Wave does currently [13:06] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: But I'm not sure what you mean by was [13:06] Ricardogorepro2: Thanks [13:06] +Dorron ☆: yeah it technically does [13:07] Ricardogorepro2: I want to give it to my blessey [13:07] Ricardogorepro2: Blissey* [13:08] Opnoob 598: Am I allowed to post teams from any tier here? [13:08] Opnoob 598: Like ag/ou/1v1/ubers etc? [13:08] Ricardogorepro2: Yes you are, has long has you want tips or advice [13:08] #Coolcodename: unrelated but i love sz's team with the double double dance latis [13:08] #Coolcodename: beats each other's checks for each other [13:08] Opnoob 598: https://pokepast.es/c673667b386bc6b8 [13:08] Geysers: someone said ag? [13:08] Geysers: oh [13:08] Opnoob 598: Yes i did [13:08] Opnoob 598: Oh hey Geysers [13:08] Opnoob 598: Didn't know u were here too ahah [13:08] Geysers: uh relying on lo etern as your ogre check [13:08] Geysers: is hella sketchy [13:09] Ricardogorepro2: Guys if grass is resistant against water why did a greninja almost oneshot my rillaboom [13:09] #Coolcodename: Opnoob 598 we are in the middle of an event rn [13:09] @tsyon✿: geysers can you take it to pms [13:09] Geysers: scarf ogre is just gonna roll you if you're not careful [13:09] Geysers: oh soz [13:09] #Coolcodename: so we ain't raiting stuff rn [13:09] #Coolcodename: take it to pms [13:09] Opnoob 598: Oh soz [13:09] Opnoob 598: Okay [13:09] #Coolcodename: np [13:09] @MurderousMantyke: bc specs gren is strong Ricardogorepro2 [13:10] akuracy: hey guys [13:10] Ricardogorepro2: Oh- [13:10] Opnoob 598: What's the event going on rn may i ask? [13:10] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: /announce An OU Workshop is ongoing, for the time being please do not post anything unrelated [13:10] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: ok that didn't work [13:10] akuracy: i cant send in my team [13:10] akuracy: hewp me [13:10] @MurderousMantyke: you arent autoconfirmed [13:10] 3d: ok [13:10] 3d: scarf lati [13:10] @MurderousMantyke: atm we arent rating teams anyhow since we're doing a workshop [13:10] 3d: is actually really nice [13:10] @tsyon✿: yeah [13:10] 3d: it shits on HO hard [13:10] 3d: gets past +1 chomp [13:10] akuracy: oh [13:10] 3d: and scarf kart [13:10] Barracades: so yall see scarf latios is nice af [13:10] sufys12: scarf lati seems cool [13:11] #Coolcodename: good showcase here [13:11] #Coolcodename: anyways we will being team 2 now [13:11] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: Mantyke, how do I make the announcement a room event [13:11] @tsyon✿: really good stuff [13:11] Barracades: it also outspeeds timid kart and kills it [13:11] @MurderousMantyke: !h announcement [13:11] /announcement allows rooms to run their own announcements. These announcements are limited to one announcement at a time per room. Accepts the following commands: /announcement create [announcement] - Creates a announcement. Requires: % @ # & /announcement htmlcreate [announcement] - Creates a announcement, with HTML allowed. Requires: # & /announcement timer [minutes] - Sets the announcement to automatically end after [minutes]. Requires: % @ # & /announcement display - Displays the announcement /announcement end - Ends a announcement. Requires: % @ # & [13:11] sufys12: okay what core is team 2 around [13:11] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: ty Moderated chat was set to @! Only users of rank @ and higher can talk. [13:11] (Coolcodename set modchat to @) [13:11] #Coolcodename: time for the 2nd vote [13:11] @tsyon✿: yeah it does by 3 points barracades [13:12] #Coolcodename: if ur core didn't make it then you are not allowed to resubmit [13:12] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: Rip Heracross [13:12] #Coolcodename: to keep it fresh [13:12] #Coolcodename: /announce dm me with submissions [13:12] @tsyon✿: oh we finally doing new cores instead of th eold ones [13:12] @tsyon✿: bless [13:15] @MurderousMantyke: did we rly have to set modchat that high tho lol [13:15] #Coolcodename: no not really [13:15] #Yellow Paint: prob unnecessary [13:15] #Coolcodename: eh whatever [13:15] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: Ccn, l2c [13:15] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: (Learn to command) [13:16] @MurderousMantyke: l2m (learn to moderate) [13:16] #Yellow Paint: I do agree that this is prob the best time to use modchat during workshop Moderated chat was set to +! Only users of rank + and higher can talk. [13:16] (MurderousMantyke set modchat to +) [13:16] +Dorron ☆: freed [13:16] #Yellow Paint: trying to parse suggestions from chat would be harder [13:16] @tsyon✿: ccn demoted from ro y/y [13:17] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: Do it [13:17] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: You're an admin [13:17] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: oh wait Ironwater is [13:17] @tsyon✿: bold of you to assume that [13:17] @MurderousMantyke: nah only gadmin can demote [13:17] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: You're both green.. [13:17] @tsyon✿: that's greenist [13:18] Coolcodename used /poll create Blacephalon+Aegislash, Victini+Tapu Koko, Zygarde-10%+Tornadus-t, Hydreigon+Garchomp, Slowking-g+Rotom-wash, CM Reuniclus [13:18] A poll was started by Coolcodename. [13:18] #Coolcodename: well... [13:19] (The poll was ended by Coolcodename.) Poll ended 2 votes Blacephalon+Aegislash 1. Victini+Tapu Koko (1 vote) 50% 2. Zygarde-10%+Tornadus-t (1 vote) 50% 3. Hydreigon+Garchomp (0 votes) 0% 4. Slowking-g+Rotom-wash (0 votes) 0% 5. CM Reuniclus (0 votes) 0% [13:19] #Coolcodename: ywt [13:19] #Coolcodename: i will send u list teach me how to do this shit [13:19] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: Alr [13:19] +Dorron ☆: !h poll /poll allows rooms to run their own polls (limit 1 at a time). Polls can be used as quiz questions, by putting + before correct answers. /poll create [question], [option1], [option2], [...] - Creates a poll. Requires: % @ # & [13:21] yOuRwElCoMeThAnk used /poll create Pick the next core for today's workshop, Blacephelon+Aegislash,Victini+Tapu Koko,Zygarde-10%+Tornadus-T,Hydreigon+Garchomp,Slowking-Galar+Rotom-Wash,Calm Mind Reuniclus [13:21] A poll was started by yOuRwElCoMeThAnk. [13:22] @MurderousMantyke: ghost spam is always fun [13:24] +suloxiv: cm reuni is not a core but i love reuni [13:24] #Coolcodename: if u guys want a reason not to vote for it [13:24] #Coolcodename: it's tyson's idea [13:25] #Coolcodename: also just so u know cores are suggested but individual mons can be submitted too [13:25] #Coolcodename: core is just faster building overall and easier than thinking of one on the spot [13:25] +suloxiv: oh ok awesome [13:27] #Coolcodename: well it's tied so far [13:27] #Coolcodename: gonna give it a bit more [13:27] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: Someone break the tie [13:28] @tsyon✿: seems like no one wants to break the tie [13:28] #Coolcodename: gonna give it 2 more mins if it's the triple tie still [13:28] #Coolcodename: i will !pick it [13:30] (The poll was ended by Coolcodename.) Poll ended 15 votes Pick the next core for today's workshop 1. Blacephelon+Aegislash (3 votes) 20% 2. Victini+Tapu Koko (2 votes) 13% 3. Zygarde-10%+Tornadus-T (3 votes) 20% 4. Hydreigon+Garchomp (2 votes) 13% 5. Slowking-Galar+Rotom-Wash (2 votes) 13% 6. Calm Mind Reuniclus (3 votes) 20% [13:30] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: three way tie [13:30] #Coolcodename: no one wanted to break tie so [13:30] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: wooo [13:30] #Coolcodename: !pick Blace+Aegi, Zydog+Torn-t, CM Reuni We randomly picked: Blace+Aegi [13:30] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: woo [13:31] @MurderousMantyke: W [13:31] @tsyon✿: as long as it wasnt zydog im good [13:31] #Coolcodename: aight it's this ig Moderated chat was disabled! Anyone may talk now. [13:31] (Coolcodename set modchat to off) [13:31] sufys12: rip [13:31] #Coolcodename: LOL i was out if zydog won [13:31] CM Reuni: nooo [13:31] #Coolcodename: dorron unviable [13:31] +Dorron ☆: nooooo [13:31] akuracy: freedom :) [13:31] @tsyon✿: well the core is aegi + blace [13:31] @tsyon✿: ghost spam [13:31] #Coolcodename: 3d barracades u guys here? [13:31] #Coolcodename: core blace aegi [13:31] +Dorron ☆: zydog was fire [13:31] 3d: yea im here [13:32] sufys12: the fact that i couldn't resubmit is so so sad [13:32] sufys12: i really wanted hera + slowbro [13:32] #Coolcodename: tbh [13:32] yOuRwElCoMeThAnk used /announcement create There's an ongoing OU Workshop, please do not make any unrelated posts https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/trainer-academy-workshops.3675841/ this explains what workshops are if you're curious [13:32] (An announcement was started by yOuRwElCoMeThAnk.) [13:32] #Coolcodename: if u resubmitted it prob would have won [13:32] #Coolcodename: i like the idea but i cannot be biased [13:32] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: Heracross+Slowking [13:33] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: Missed chance [13:33] sufys12: ! [13:33] @tsyon✿: this aint ioa !! [13:33] sufys12: should have done that lmao [13:33] #Coolcodename: LOL [13:33] #Coolcodename: at this rate we might go to team 3 so u might have a shot but idk [13:33] 3d: nah i gotta go [13:33] 3d: at 2 [13:33] 3d: 27 min [13:33] #Coolcodename: oh rip [13:34] #Coolcodename: we'll finish this up and we're done then [13:34] #Coolcodename: https://pokepast.es/44b9a00253f59243 [13:34] sufys12: ghostspam without pult. imagine [13:34] #Coolcodename: it do be the sz idea after all [13:35] 3d: kk so [13:35] 3d: most important thing [13:35] #Coolcodename: yea we should start [13:35] #Coolcodename: we need a good way to deal with [13:35] #Coolcodename: weav imo [13:35] 3d: the perfect partner for these types of cores [13:35] 3d: is urshiuf [13:35] 3d: switches into all these dark types [13:35] #Coolcodename: ye deals with weav ttar [13:35] 3d: uturns out of shit like slowbro [13:35] 3d: rilla [13:36] #Coolcodename: while not slowing momentum [13:36] 3d: clef [13:36] 3d: ye [13:36] @tsyon✿: hell yeah [13:36] #Coolcodename: i think we can try like [13:36] #Coolcodename: pads shifu [13:36] #Coolcodename: scarf blace [13:36] #Coolcodename: and specs aegi [13:36] 3d: scarf blace is garbage [13:36] @tsyon✿: finally someone understands [13:36] 3d: its so weak [13:36] #Coolcodename: :sob: [13:36] 3d: and while its speed is nice [13:36] 3d: it already blufs [13:36] 3d: bluffs scarf [13:36] 3d: naturally [13:36] #Coolcodename: fair [13:37] 3d: like nobody is leaving in pult vs blace t4 [13:37] #Coolcodename: scarf shifu? [13:37] Barracades: hmm [13:37] 3d: we'll see [13:37] @tsyon✿: was thinking more like spell tag aegi and specs clown [13:37] Barracades: okay what about kart shifu [13:37] 3d: why kart [13:37] Barracades: like we can go specs blace, scarf kart, pads shifu [13:37] #Coolcodename: so like [13:37] Barracades: lando weav [13:37] 3d: scarf kart is pretty nice on these types of teams [13:37] #Coolcodename: aegi would be our lele check [13:37] Barracades: ye [13:38] deskeedee(alt): ue [13:38] @MurderousMantyke: mixed aegi is super fun [13:38] Barracades: 240 hp, 252 spatk, 16 speed aegi [13:38] Barracades: modest [13:38] Barracades: specs [13:38] @tsyon✿: so then sub tox [13:38] @tsyon✿: oh [13:38] 3d: do we go weavile [13:38] 3d: hmm [13:38] Barracades: shadowball flashcannon [13:38] Barracades: steelbeam sneak [13:38] #Coolcodename: steel beam les go [13:38] @tsyon✿: thats how you feeling [13:38] #Coolcodename: someone who understands the set [13:38] Barracades: we can go glastrier [13:38] #Coolcodename: LOL wtf [13:38] 3d: glastier [13:38] Barracades: like sd ice horse [13:38] Barracades: is nice [13:38] 3d: LOL [13:38] Barracades: on this [13:38] 3d: we need a [13:38] 3d: dark type tho [13:38] Barracades: hmm tru [13:38] 3d: and a ground type [13:39] deskeedee(alt): weav? [13:39] Barracades: how bout umbreon [13:39] 3d: i like umbreon [13:39] 3d: more than weav [13:39] drop a burn: What about mandi [13:39] 3d: we already have so much breaking power [13:39] 3d: wedont need mandi [13:39] 3d: we have landot [13:39] Barracades: lando umbreon/pult aegi kart blace shifu [13:39] drop a burn: Missed that mb lol [13:39] 3d: umbreon is nice as a knock absorber too [13:39] Barracades: lando aegi pult kart core is goodd without a dark [13:39] 3d: for kart [13:39] Barracades: i can confirm [13:39] Barracades: what if we go bandpult specs aegi [13:39] @tsyon✿: so aegi and lando is our kart answer? [13:39] 3d: and umbreon [13:39] 3d: hm [13:40] 3d: sd kart kinda mogs [13:40] Barracades: lando turn into scarf kart [13:40] #Coolcodename: wait wait [13:40] Barracades: we can use muscle band pult [13:40] #Coolcodename: so no blace? [13:40] 3d: nah we need [13:40] 3d: to keep blace [13:40] 3d: for the core [13:40] #Coolcodename: yea [13:40] @tsyon✿: this is the core ye [13:40] #Coolcodename: we can't get rid of it [13:40] Barracades: dragon darts u turn suckerpuunch flame, muscle band pult, specs blace [13:40] 3d: triple ghost [13:40] Barracades: we can even test sd aegi [13:40] #Coolcodename: oh u mean over [13:40] Barracades: pads fu [13:40] #Coolcodename: tana? [13:40] Barracades: scarf kart [13:41] #Coolcodename: triple ghost sounds like some [13:41] Barracades: lando pult blace aegi kart shifu [13:41] #Coolcodename: sz shit for sure [13:41] 3d: im down to make this team full HO triple ghost [13:41] #Coolcodename: sounds fire [13:41] 3d: if anything is replaceable [13:41] 3d: its pult [13:41] Barracades: we could even have specs aegi as breaker, go scarf blace, and have kart be sd timid [13:41] Barracades: or shifu scarf icepunch [13:41] 3d: i think we need [13:41] 3d: a ghost resist [13:41] 3d: that isnt spdef landot [13:41] @tsyon✿: gmolt [13:41] 3d: gmolt is fire [13:41] #Coolcodename: gmolt sounds [13:41] Barracades: i rly like gmolt [13:41] #Coolcodename: good [13:42] #Coolcodename: i like it yah [13:42] 3d: gmolt over pult [13:42] 3d: is actually perfect [13:42] 3d: fits the HO [13:42] @tsyon✿: also slightly better mu for kart [13:42] #Coolcodename: i am rlly liking [13:42] Barracades: so lando aegi kart shifu gmolt blace [13:42] #Coolcodename: np taunt these days [13:42] Barracades: i fuck with that [13:42] 3d: my question is [13:42] #Coolcodename: shits on stall [13:42] 3d: do we go [13:42] Barracades: naww coolcodename we got a better set [13:42] 3d: soft sand landot [13:42] Barracades: restochesto [13:42] #Coolcodename: rest? [13:42] #Coolcodename: ah [13:42] #Coolcodename: yea that good too [13:42] deskeedee(alt): if were going HO wouldnt we want screens or hazards [13:42] Barracades: fierywrath agility plot rest [13:42] 3d: not necessarily deskeedee(alt) [13:42] Barracades: so use this spread for gmolt [13:43] Barracades: 160 hp, 96 speed, 252 spatk modest [13:43] Barracades: lives everything [13:43] 3d: that shit lives everything [13:43] 3d: yea [13:43] #Coolcodename: kk [13:43] 3d: we gotta go [13:43] 3d: offensive landot [13:43] 3d: since we have gmolt [13:43] #Coolcodename: sounds good [13:43] 3d: sd rocks eq uturn maybe [13:43] 3d: er [13:43] 3d: not sd [13:44] 3d: hmm [13:44] 3d: we're going SD aegi or kart? [13:44] #Coolcodename: i'll be honest [13:44] #Coolcodename: double rocks weak mons [13:44] #Coolcodename: with no fog feels weird [13:44] 3d: we need scarf shifu/kart [13:44] #Coolcodename: but ig this is more [13:44] 3d: kartana canbe fog [13:44] #Coolcodename: ho [13:44] #Yellow Paint: it's not boots blace? [13:44] #Coolcodename: oh fog tana [13:44] #Yellow Paint: oh [13:44] #Coolcodename: i think we decided on specs [13:44] #Coolcodename: not certain [13:45] #Coolcodename: lot of shit happened [13:45] 3d: ok [13:45] 3d: we have the 6 [13:45] 3d: lets actually decide sets [13:45] 3d: shifu/kart has to be scarf [13:45] 3d: im leaning towards kart cuz it means we can go defog [13:45] @tsyon✿: kart preferabbly [13:45] #Coolcodename: i think [13:45] @tsyon✿: ye [13:45] #Coolcodename: pads shifu [13:45] #Coolcodename: scarf tana fog [13:45] @tsyon✿: mhm [13:45] 3d: pads taunt shifu works really well here yea [13:45] 3d: we have the molt set [13:45] 3d: with kart being scarf [13:45] 3d: i think we should go sd aegi [13:45] #Coolcodename: what set for sd aegi? [13:46] #Coolcodename: just standard [13:46] 3d: yea just stabs [13:46] #Coolcodename: cc claw sneak [13:46] 3d: nah we need [13:46] 3d: iron head for [13:46] 3d: unaware clef [13:46] sufys12: have you got a paste [13:46] #Coolcodename: ah alr [13:46] #Coolcodename: working on it rn [13:47] #Coolcodename: 3d shadow claw over sneak or cc? [13:47] 3d: what is cc for [13:47] 3d: ferro? [13:47] #Coolcodename: ferro mainly yah [13:47] #Coolcodename: also nice into mel [13:47] sufys12: heatran [13:47] deskeedee(alt): so mxed specs on the aegi [13:47] #Coolcodename: nah sd [13:47] 3d: i think [13:47] 3d: we would rely on aegi to break stall more [13:48] 3d: than we would for it to kill mel [13:48] deskeedee(alt): been a while since ive heard sd [13:48] #Coolcodename: fair [13:48] 3d: ferro is whatever [13:48] 3d: since we're offensive landot [13:48] #Coolcodename: we have no worries into stall [13:48] #Coolcodename: now [13:48] 3d: and people leave it in a lot [13:48] #Coolcodename: with rest gmolt [13:48] #Coolcodename: and sd aegi [13:48] 3d: yea [13:48] 3d: playing vs stall without future sight can get annoying [13:48] 3d: esp w only 1 breaker [13:48] #Coolcodename: https://pokepast.es/faf5f5c0e3398d36 [13:48] 3d: so having 2 + taunt shifu [13:48] 3d: is cool [13:48] #Coolcodename: 3d can u lmk the exact lando spread [13:48] #Coolcodename: also barracades wdyt [13:49] 3d: im tryna think of [13:49] 3d: if we go soft sand max attack [13:49] deskeedee(alt): on that lando we should go spdef imo [13:49] 3d: or sd spdef [13:49] Barracades: Taunt>overheat on blace [13:49] #Coolcodename: taunt on specs blace [13:49] #Coolcodename: ngl [13:49] #Coolcodename: sounds fire [13:49] 3d: u trick it away anyway [13:49] 3d: more times than u click [13:49] 3d: ovferheat [13:49] deskeedee(alt): fair [13:49] @MurderousMantyke: feel like im tricking scarf more than specs [13:50] #Coolcodename: we were considering scarf [13:50] #Coolcodename: but realized [13:50] @tsyon✿: cause scarf is overrated [13:50] #Coolcodename: it hits like a wet noodle [13:50] deskeedee(alt): well shouldnt we just cgo taunt over click at that point 3d [13:50] 3d: ? [13:50] #Coolcodename: u mean trick? [13:50] @MurderousMantyke: click? [13:50] Jozimastar95: Anyone good at vgs ? [13:50] deskeedee(alt): yea mb [13:50] 3d: no because u trick something like blissey as it comes in [13:50] 3d: then taunt it [13:50] deskeedee(alt): gotcha [13:50] #Coolcodename: jozimastar95 read the announcement pls [13:51] 3d: its good late game [13:51] 3d: insurance too [13:51] sufys12: how often do these workshops happen [13:51] #Coolcodename: so uh barracades 3d soft sand lando shit or [13:51] Jozimastar95: Lol i gurss [13:51] 3d: yea i think soft sand landot is the move [13:51] 3d: max atk max speed [13:51] Barracades: soft sand is nice [13:51] 3d: i wonder what our last move is tho [13:51] 3d: eq uturn rocks [13:51] #Coolcodename: sufys12 not too often tbh [13:52] #Coolcodename: but will pick back up once [13:52] #Coolcodename: sv releases [13:52] #Coolcodename: we do all kinds of tiers not only ou [13:52] sufys12: oh okay that's cool [13:52] #Coolcodename: https://pokepast.es/6e7dd6ad8be80aaf [13:52] #Coolcodename: aight bois this good? [13:53] 3d: i think knock off is fine idk tho [13:53] 3d: wdyt Barracades [13:53] Barracades: remove fog on kartt [13:53] Barracades: use smart strike [13:53] Barracades: and have fog on landdo [13:53] Barracades: over knock [13:53] 3d: fog rocks lando [13:53] 3d: u think so [13:53] Barracades: Trust me kart is never clickin fog in offensive mus [13:53] #Coolcodename: i don't love fogs rocks lando but ig [13:54] Barracades: The team would cave [13:54] #Coolcodename: it is better than tana [13:54] 3d: alr yea that works [13:54] 3d: we'll test this out too [13:54] 3d: but it looks very solid [13:54] #Coolcodename: https://pokepast.es/f77ad2ea94161180 [13:54] #Coolcodename: i love it yah [13:54] 3d: the only thing is i hate blacephalon but it is apart of the core [13:54] #Coolcodename: why'd sz have to suggest blace [13:55] #Coolcodename: man rlly suggested it and immediately wanted to replace it with pult LOL [13:55] #Coolcodename: https://play.pokemonshowdown.com/battle-gen8ou-1704279711-t9qgm6zjdtpsrhhukyw6k7dk0ly82t1pw [13:55] #Coolcodename: testing [13:55] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: No Ghost resist [13:55] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: Rigged? [13:56] #Coolcodename: maybe [14:01] Barracades: spdef rotom w w twave [14:01] (The announcement was ended by yOuRwElCoMeThAnk.) [14:01] Barracades: ghost resist in ddisguise [14:01] Barracades: as yall saw [14:01] 3d: that shit lived [14:01] 3d: +1 [14:01] 3d: specs shadow ball [14:01] #Coolcodename: aight [14:01] #Coolcodename: lemme get final past [14:01] @yOuRwElCoMeThAnk: You know how to get the chatlog, Ccn? [14:02] #Coolcodename: https://pokepast.es/6f5b36c60ea76169