The Wall Standing Tall (Lileep) @ Leftovers Ability: Suction Cups EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD Sassy Nature IVs: 2 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe - Rock Slide - Giga Drain / Hidden Power [Grass] - Toxic / Hidden Power [Fire] - Recover --------------------- Optional Move(s): - N/A Optional Item(s): - N/A Optional Ability: - N/A Optional EV/IV(s): - 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD (Relaxed Nature) --------------------- Overview: Lileep sets itself apart from other special walls thanks to its access to reliable recovery as well as its valuable STAB options. These allow it to threaten certain key offensive Pokémon such as Rhyhorn, Pidgeotto, and Taillow. --------------------- The Wall Standing Tall: Toxic allows Lileep to cripple switch-ins and pressure the Pokémon it switches into. Rock Slide is a great STAB option to be able to nail Pidgeotto, Taillow, and Dustox for super effective damage. Giga Drain grants Lileep an extra form of recovery while also hitting Pokémon such as Rhyhorn, Staryu, Larvitar, and Chinchou. Hidden Power [Grass] can be run for a little extra power and more PP. Hidden Power [Fire] is used to hit other Grass-types as well as Magnemite. Recover ensures Lileep's longevity and helps cement its role as a wall. Lileep can run a more physically defensive set that allows it to more easily check Rhyhorn, Pidgeotto, and Taillow. --------------------- Other Options: Lileep can run a more physically defensive set that allows it to more easily check Rhyhorn, Pidgeotto, and Tailow. --------------------- Checks and Counters: Choice Band users such as Aipom, Pidgeotto, and Taillow can all check Lileep if they are locked into their super effective coverage. Pokémon with Ice-type coverage such as Elekid, Staryu, and offensive Chinchou can all hinder Lileep's ability to switch in, especially if they get a freeze. Pokémon with access Taunt such as Koffing and Magnemite can shut down Lileep’s ability to heal. Both commonly run status moves, which further hinders Lileep's capabilities as a wall. While not entirely viable, Aron is a Pokémon that can tank a hit from Lileep and threaten it back with super effective Steel-type moves. =====================