Lead Utility (Aipom) @ Leftovers
Ability: Run Away
EVs: 20 HP / 236 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Taunt / Toxic
- Double-Edge
- Brick Break
- Baton Pass
Optional Move(s):
- Focus Punch
- Substitute
- Thunder Wave
- Return
- Body Slam
Optional Item(s):
- N/A
Optional Ability:
- N/A
Optional EV/IV(s):
- N/A
Overview: High base Attack and Speed, a spammable STAB, perfect coverage, and strong utility allow Aipom to function as an excellent lead, mid-game wallbreaker, or cleaner, depending on what its team needs.
3 Attacks Offensive: The power of Aipom's Double-Edge is the main draw of this set, threatening neutral targets with heavy damage. Brick Break and Shadow Ball hit Normal-resistant Rock- and Steel-types and the Normal-immune Shuppet supper effectively, respectively. Baton Pass uses Aipom's excellent Speed to pivot around unfavorable matchups such as Lileep and Nosepass. Choice Band allows Aipom to 1-2HKO every neutral target, while its Brick Break can 2-3HKO most bulky Rock- and Steel-types such as Magnemite and Nosepass. If used as a lead, this Aipom's main strategy is to try to overwhelm the opposing lead as quickly as possible to avoid setup. If used later in the game, Aipom excels as a wallbreaker and cleaner when switch-ins to its STAB are heavily damaged or KOed, allowing it to freely spam Double-Edge.
Lead Utility: Aipom's Speed combined with Taunt allows it to block Endures and Spikes from opposing leads, notably from Snorunt, as well as recovery from walls such as Lileep later in the game, though Toxic can be used in its place against such bulky switch-ins. Double-Edge provides Aipom with a powerful STAB option, while Brick Break deals super effective damage to Normal-resistant Rock- and Steel-types. Brick Break is chosen as coverage over Shadow Ball, as Shuppet is far less common than Pokémon like Rhyhorn, Magnemite, and Nosepass. Baton Pass grants Aipom the ability to pivot out of unfavorable matchups using its excellent speed, such as against Lileep and Nosepass.
Other Options: A set with Substitute and Focus Punch could be used in order lure and deal heavy damage to Rock- and Steel-types. However, this set cannot be used with Baton Pass and leaves Aipom with few move slots to spare. Thunder Wave can be used to spread Paralysis, though most of Aipom's switch-ins are either immune to it or don't mind Paralysis too much. Return and Body Slam can be used as alternative STABs with no recoil, with the latter also allowing for the spread of Paralysis, though their lower power is makes Aipom a less potent wallbreaker. For example, they both fail to reliably 2HKO Koffing even with Choice Band. An Adamant Nature can be used instead of Jolly for extra power, though the Speed loss means it's now outpaced by other threats such as +Speed Delibird and opposing Aipom. Holding a Silk Scarf grants Aipom a power boost while retaining its ability to switch moves, though it does miss out on some of Band's 2HKOs such as against Koffing.
Checks and Counters: Bulky Rock-types such as Nosepass and Lileep can easily switch into Aipom's Double-Edge and aren't 2HKOed by a Band Brick Break either, though they dislike Toxic. Notably, while Rhyhorn does take considerable damage from a Band Brick Break, it is exceptionally threatening if it is capable of setting up a Substitute while Aipom is forced to flee. Steel-types can also leverage their Normal-resistance to check Aipom, though Magnemite and Aron take considerable damage from Brick Break, and the former can be overwhelmed by repeated Band Double-Edge. Shuppet is immune to both Double-Edge and Brick Break, though it must watch out for Shadow Ball. Protect users, such as Delcatty and Dustox, can scout Band Aipom's chosen move and punish it accordingly. Double-Edge recoil, when combined with other sources of passive damage such as Spikes, can quickly deplete Aipom's HP and either KO or leave it easily revenge killed by Elekid or priority users.